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FVHA holds monthly board meetings typically on the first week of the month at 6:00 PM. Active members in good standing of FVHA are welcome to attend board meetings. Please see the FVHA Calendar to confirm the meeting time and location and to be placed on the agenda if desired.

Below is our history of meeting minutes in a read-only OneNote file. If you would like to serve on the board or nominate someone, fill out the registration link below that. Our Bylaws are posted at the bottom.

Board Officers

Cara 2024-25 Lemire

Cara 2024-25 Lemire

President 2024

Jim 2024-25 Foster

Jim 2024-25 Foster

Treasurer 2024

Lindsey 2023-24 Foster

Lindsey 2023-24 Foster

Vice President 2024

Todd 2023-24 Sharpe

Todd 2023-24 Sharpe

Secretary 2024

Board Members

Jessica 2023-24 Crofts

Jessica 2023-24 Crofts


Richard 2024-25 Owens

Richard 2024-25 Owens


David 2023-24 Cummings

David 2023-24 Cummings


Matt 2023-24 Herset

Matt 2023-24 Herset


Abbie 2024-25 Steffan

Abbie 2024-25 Steffan


Open Board Positions

In the event of early retirements, there may be open positions. If any, the number and terms are listed below. Per the bylaws, the board may choose to fill these positions at any time by majority vote. They may also choose to leave them open until the next election.

Open 2023-24 Position


Open 2024-25 Position



Below are the various standing committees. Use these emails to contact all committee members. If you are a member of the FVHA Teams groups, use the links below each committee to access.

Chair-Cara Lemire Board

All Members

Chair-Cara Lemire Scholarship

All Members

Chair-Lindsey Foster Diciplinary

All Members

Chair-Todd Sharpe Information Technologies

All Members

Chair-Matt Herset External Facilities

All Members

Chair-Lindsey Foster Elections

All Members

Chair-Abbie Steffan Fundraising/Marketing/PR

All Members

Chair-David Cummings Coaches

All Members

Chair-Abbie Steffan Internal Facilities

All Members

Chair-Jessica Crofts Programs

All Members

Chair-David Cummings Team & Tournaments Managers

All Members

Associate Positions and General Contacts

Below are the various contacts for FVHA Associate Positions. Use them to help answer your questions by subject.

Rachelle Grant


FVHA Volunteer

Volunteer Information

Open Position

SafeSport Rep

FVHA General

General Information




Dustin Zuffelato


FVHA Tournament

Tournament Information


Q: What is the FVHA looking for in a Board member?
A: We want all areas of the organization represented with a vote. From Administrators to Zammers, Coaches to Concessions, Skate Sharpeners to Web Programmers, each volunteer has valuable input. You need not have a player in the organization, just be a community member in good standing interested in growing youth hockey in our organization.


Q: Do I have to have a SportsNgin (SE) account to apply to the Board?
A: Yes as you will be added to the Board "team" for communications.  Don't worry, it's the same account you're using for your player.


Q: Can I edit my registration entry?
A: Yes. You will be sent an email that has the link. You can also find it in your "Registrations" in your SE account. Click the registration and the pencil at the upper right will allow you to edit. Do note, a week before the election the Bio's will be posted publicly in a news article and any edits will not be automatically updated.


Q: What does "member in good standing" mean?
A: Generally speaking it has to be a person who is not currently under discipline by the Board, is current on all fees and can pass a background check and SafeSport certification. In short, a proper Board member should not have issues within FVHA and the community at large that questions the integrity of the organization.


Q: Who sees Board applications?
A: The Elections committee reviews all entries and assesses if the applicant is in good standings. If they are, the Bio field is added to a public news article for the organization to review before voting. The rest of the Board and IT administrators also can see the applications. Rejected applications are not publicly posted.


Q: What makes a good Bio?
A: A brief paragraph or two about who you are, what you bring to the organization and why people should vote for you. Examples can be found in last year's news article.


Q: How much time does this really take?
A: We like to think it takes what you are willing to give. At a minimum you're looking at 3-5 hours per month for Board and committee meetings and duties. However, many members choose to exceed this because it's fulfilling work.


FVHA Vice President

Election Committee Chair

FVHA Elections Committee

email the entire Committee

Flathead Valley Hockey Association Sponsors

Interested in becoming a sponsor of Flathead Valley Hockey Association?

Purchase your own Board Ad

Buy a corporate sponsorship ad that goes on the boards at the Woodland Ice Center.